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What I love about the web is the opportunity to share my thoughts and passions with others. But I also like to hear what others think and to exchange ideas.

On this page, I'll share some of the comments I've received in my Guestbook and via e-mail. In some cases, I may also respond to the comments. Please get in touch!


Hanson Drought?

This time, I've chosen the topic of the 'Hanson drought'. Personally, I think we all really need to just stop whining about it. What do you think? Let me know and I'll add your submission below!

Megan Says: About the Hanson drought. I really don't see a big problem with it. It's just Hanson's creative process right now and all we can do is sit back and wait until they feel comfortable with the materials they working with. I know I'll be eager to buy the album when it comes out. So Hanson droughts aren't that bad. Right?
My Response: Yes, very true. I agree. Everyone just needs to give Hanson a break! How would you feel if you didn't get a break from school or work? Well, it's gotta be at least 10 times worse. They have fans to please-- see what I'm getting at? It's not a drought. It's not a depression. It's a chance to relax.

Past topic: Girlfriends?


Her site: Hanson Fever

Jessica says: " I think that you're right, the girlfriend thing is getting pretty old. But I can understand why they don't want to just come right out and say who their dating. I mean if I was famous I wouldn't really want the whole world to know who I was with. The other night I read on Hansonline.com that the reporter for nick.com asked Tay if he had a girlfriend, and he said yeah. I was like freaking out! I was so upset that he could actually date someone
and it wasn't me, LoL, but then I realized, its not like I really have that big of a chance with him anyway, but he is a human, he is allowed to date. I think the only ones that this is annoying, is us fans. So if they decide to tell the whole world that they are or are not dating M2M and Mandy Moore, that's their decision, and as a fan, I am gonna respect it."

My response: I think this is true. I was upset as well, but not so much. At least they finally admit the truth! It's not as if I want to pry into their private lives or anything. I just think it would be nice if they'd be honest, and not lead us on with their litle hints. Just the truth, no details. I know I can't speak for all fans, but this is how I feel.


Her site: "Sky Is Falling..."

Eden says: "Here we go again...First of all, for all you teenies out there who care who Hanson is dating in the first place, none of them are dating Mandy Moore. And it was confirmed a *long* time ago that M2M's publicist started the rumor about them dating Hanson to get more Hanson fans to listen to M2M (yes it's sad, but true).Does Hanson have girlfriends? Yes. Do we care? No, not really. I mean, c'mon...Taylor is 17, hell Isaac's 20! If they hadn't of gotten girlfriends soon I would of started to worry."

My response: That's pretty pathetic that the M2M publicist started that rumor. I listened to M2M already. I remember in June or July, M2M did a radio interview here in Sacramento, and someone asked them who they'd like to work with. They said Hanson, which made me happy. So I wasn't surprised when M2M ended up opening for them. About Isaac... I don't know anything, but I'd have to say he's HAD a girlfriend, for a long time. Just a guess, but he is 20!


Her site: "Irish Cate's Hanson Realm"

Cate says: "So, they've come right out and said it. Well, sort of anyway. I believe the exact phrase Taylor used was "semi-relationship." Perhaps, I heard little more than a few stamping fee because I don't have hanson.net, and I rarely appear on any Hanson message boards. So, I missed out on the main barrage ofteenie discussion and whining. However, I am not immune to it completely either. I was quite surprised when I first heard it that I didn't see, or hear masses upon masses of teenie cries of anger, depression, or otherwise. I heard, almost nothing at all.
I, however did no hear or read anything connecting the girls of M2M to the "semi-relationship" buzz until a few days later. Maybe I'm just out of the loop. My feelings on both are mixed. Yes, I'm happy the boys finally feel they can admit they have girlfriends/relationships/whatever. This has been a long time coming for us, and this rather large slice of reality pie is a welcome chance as far as I'm concerned. And yet, I must admit, part of me is a little sad. I, like many others, have never completly gotten over Taylor Hanson. Who, knows, I may spend the rest of my life crushing on him, and who wouldn't? he's a beautiful person. I don't know any fan who hasn't at one
point believed him to be so. However, I realize that the possiblity of my ever meeting them (and of course having one of or all three fall madly in love with me) is not highly likely seeing as in the past four years I've been a fan, the closest I've been to any one of them is when I stood about three feet away from Isaac going into an elevator at Citywalk in May of1997. Regarding M2M. At first, I was appalled. Working at Limited Too, listening
to a seemingly endless loop of annoying, pop songs (my only saviour being the playing of "This Time Around," sandwiched between a Britney song and the song "Picture Perfect.") made me sick just thinking of their songs, let alone a Hanson (who's talent I see as endless) dating them. As far as I've seen, they're probably very nice girls. A little fluffy, but nice. Therefore, if there is truth to the noise that is Hanson dating M2M, I hope they're happy, and if so...then I suppose I can muster some happiness for my
now almost grown up Hanson boys :0)"

My response: We've ust got to face the truth. I take it fairly well. Some fans, on the other hand, do not. Maybe this is why they hid the truth for long. I remember the big fuss about BSB getting married, and I don't even like them. Fans send death threats! People, just calm down. As long as nothing is changed in a negative way, I don't see any problem with them having girlfriends. It's part of life that many fans experience, but expect the boys not to. They are, of course, only human.


Her site: "First Listen"

Megan says: "Well first of all about the Mandy Moore and Taylor Hanson issure. I mean look at Mandy, she's a very beautiful girl. I mean like you said, who wouldn't noticed
her. For all we know Taylor could be a fan of her and just admiring her ya know? Kind of like what we do when we see Hanson. What do we do? We stare! (some scream to the top of their lungs but that's another story)
About the M2M and Ike & Zac issue. I don't think they are dating them, because I read somewhere it said M2M's(manager?) said that so they could get some scores or whatever. When Hanson heard about it they were fully disgusted. They said they wouldn't never do a tour with them again. *I don't know it this is true, it's just what I read somewhere*
But all in all...I mean they are normal guys, for goodness sake Isaac is 20 years old...I mean in another 5 years he'll probably be getting married. Lay off of them and let them have the life they haven't got the chance to explore yet!"

My response: Yeah, marriage... It's true, Isaac can't just be the older brother anymore. He's getting a little old for that one. It amazes me that they still get along so well, but that's a bit off the subject. All you guys are saying this M2M thing, but I never heard that... whatever. I think that they SHOULD have girlfriends, but it kinds goes against their whole, "...we can't 'cuz we're always on the road..." thing. It makes me wonder if they were just lying all this time because a manager told them to or something.