Hanson * Island
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Who am I?


Well, thank you for taking the time to check out my page. You wanna know about me? Well, there's not much to tell, but I'll try. My name is Mandy, and I've been a Hanson fan since '97. This is my first webpage, so I'm not expecting it to get a lot of attention. At least, at first. I'm 16, and my birthday is March 14th, 1985. I'm in the 11th grade and live in Sacramento, CA. I've seen Hanson 3 times. I have most of their television appearances on video. I have a total of 14 T-shirts, 25 CD's, 20 books, 4 video tapes, hundreds of magazines and at least 1,000 pictures. I am a member of MOE, and currently have all issuses. If anyone has any questions or ideas for me, please let me know.

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