On this page, you can find show reviews of concerts that I have been to, Anyone who would like to see their review here can go ahead and send it to me. (I'll give you full credit and put a link on my page for your website if you have one!) To date, I have been to 3 shows including Hanson. Here are some of my experiences. Enjoy!
July 15th 1998, Shoreline Ampitheatre, Mountain View, CA

This was the first Hanson show I've ever been to, much less the very first, ever! I was so thrilled that I didn't even mind we only had general addmission. Since I'm from Sacramento, and not San Francisco we had to drive down there early. I went with a guy from school's younger brother. It was a bit odd, considering that I was 13, and he was 9. Along with him were his best friend and their Dads. We had so much fun. I bought a T-shirt, program, stickers and one of those HUGE posters. (I still have it on my wall!) I have so many memories from that show. However, the pictures I took at that concert didn't come out. I remember very little from the show itself, except the time when Taylor ran behind Zac and then he played the drums. That was awesome. I remember looking around and seeing all those people around me... all screaming, cheering... it was amazing. In no particular order, here's the set list: Gimme Some Lovin'/Shake A Tailfeather, Thinking Of You, Where's The Love, River, Weird, Sometimes, Stories, Soldier, More Than Anything, Ever Lonely, Money, Good Lovin', MMMBop, Man From Milwaukee, Speechless, A Minute Without You, I Will Come To You, With You In Your Dreams, Look At You, Summertime Blues.
May 14th 2000, Cal Expo Sacramento, CA 
ENDFest pictures from :

Meg: phead21546@aol.com 
This was the 2nd Hanson show I went to. I should point out that it wasn't actually a Hanson concert, and that it was a radio show, called the ENDFest. My friend Cassie and I got up extra early to buy tickets the day they went on sale. We were the first people there. We should have gotten the best seats, but they did this stupid raffel thing and nearly screwed us over. This lady let us cut in front of her. It was only fair, considering we were there well over an hour before anyone else showed up to stand in line. We got 7th row tickets for the middle section. Now, about the concert. It rained that day. We were unable to bring the sign we had worked so long on. But the guys put on an awesome show. In fact, "MMMBop" was the only song played by anyone at that concert that everyone in the audience knew. Many people left the show after Hanson had finished their 7 song set. Some of the other artists there included: Mandy Moore, Mytown, Blaque, and Jessica Simpson. But by far, Hanson got the most cheers. The radio even saved their water bottle and auctioned it off the next day. It's sick, I know. The set list was as follows: You Never Know, Runaway Run, This Time Around, Wish That I Was There, If Only, MMMBop, In The City August 4th 2000, The Warfield San Francisco, CA

Warfield pictures from: 
This had got to be the best one. First off, my mom managed to get tickets like 2 days before the concert. We had called when they went on sale, but they said they were sold out. When she checked the website August 1st, it said they were available. So we got the general addmission tickets. For those of you who don't know, that means right on the floor, in front of the stage. We got the best tickets. Talk about lucky. They were only $25.00. Well, my mom reserved a hotel room so we Cassie and I could stay there for the night. I guess the bad parts would be that I had to stand for 6 hours straight, and that Cassie and I were separated during the show. I was alone the whole time. But I finally got to bring my sign. And guess what? They saw me! I mean, they looked right at me! I was loving it! But I didn't scream, I only smiled. I know every other girl who was there would say this same exact thing, but I swear, when Taylor looked at me, it was like he smiled too. I bought a poster, T-shirt and program. My pictures came out, but they're not very good. I'd post them here, but I don't have a scanner. The set list was long: Look At You, You Never Know, Wher's The Love, Runaway Run, Sure About It, I Don't Know, Can't Stop, Thinking Of You, Piece Of My Heart, Wish That I Was There, A Song To Sing, Stories, Love Song, Man From Milwaukee, A Minute Without You, Dying To Be Alive, If Only, This Time Around, Hand In Hand, Speechless, Smile, MMMBop, In The City, Summertime Blues, I Want You To Want Me.