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And the honors go to...


Site Of The Week

That's it. No more "Site Of The Week" awards until someone submits their site. Sorry, but that's the way it has to be. I don't have the time to find the sites myself.

Past Sites Of The Week:

A Hidden Life

Blond Haired Imperfections

Hysteria, Bloody Hysteria


The Hot.Spot

Sky Is Falling...


Hanson Fever

New Hanson Pics

First Listen

Irish Cate's Hanson Realm

Simply MOE

Hanson Universe

All The Minutes

Song Of The Moment

The song of the moment this time is "Dying To Be Alive". You know, in light of the terrorist attacks on America, this really makes you think about a lot of things. I've been listening to "Dying To Be Alive" and "This Time Around". Really, they both have very strong, powerful messages. "...the people you've touched, the way you've touched them, I hope they've touched you too..."

Picture Of The Moment

Want your own changing pic of the day?

Then click here to get it!

Want to be my "Site Of The Week"? Fill out the form by clicking the link below. Be sure to include your Website name and URL in the message, along with your name and e-mail. I'll be sure to visit and sign your guestbook. You'll hear back from me. If within 3 weeks you haven't won, I will add you as a link anyway. Good Luck!

Site Of The Weekget this gear!