Hanson * Island
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All the fine print!


This is a page where I will give credit to all of those who may not have gotten it on another page. I have made an effort to give credit to everyone, but at times, I have not. If I missed one that you see, please let me know. I would be happy to do so. Sorry to anyone that this may happen to.

First Off, I have tried to keep track of where these pictures have come from. Some, however I don't remember because I got them before I made this page. I'm sorry for this. I do know that some of the pictures on these pages were from the following pages:


Kangarooland's Hanson Website

All The Minutes

I've noticed a lot of people have commented on the Hanson Dudes from the main page. These were NOT made by me. They came from Blueshampoo.com, as shown from the button on that page. All graphics for the pages were made by me! I used Micrografx Snapshot program, then transfered to my brother's computer and used Microsoft Picture It! to add the text. (Thanks Eric!)

I want to thank all of my web friends. You've been so great! Cate, Jessica, Eden... thank you so much for all of your help! Most importantly, THANK YOU MEGAN!!! You have been such a great help to me, and I don't know how I can ever thank you. I'm very grateful for all of your help to make "Hanson Island" a success!

The pictures from the 'This Time Around' Tour were from Hansonline.com. All other pictures are safe, except for the pictures taken from the Shoreline Concert. I'm not sure where they are from. If they belong to you and you would like me to give you credit, I'd be happy to. Or, I can remove them from my site, if necessay. Let me know.

Spot a place where I missed giving credit to someone? E-mail me!