Hanson * Island
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For the fans who did it just because Hanson did!



This is a clique for pretty much all Hanson fans. Admit it. You probably did a lot of crazy things that had to do with Hanson. For example, did you listen to or buy some CD's you didn't even want, just because Hanson said they liked it? Well, I know a lot of people have. Below, you will find the list of Hansonisms. See if you qualify to join, then fill out the form below it!

The Hansonisms:

This clique is for you if you've done any of the following things:

*wore those sports shirts with the stripes on them*braided your hair like Zac's*wore shirts for bands you've never even heard of, and are only wearing because you saw Taylor doing the same thing*you tried some of that nasty beef stew stuff*ate nothing but the food they supposedly liked*made every recipe from Dr. Food*watched TV shows you heard that Hanson liked*dyed you hair blond, to look like Hanson's*threw birthday parties for them*use the colors green, red and blue for everything*use the word "weird" WAY too much*wrote stories with male characters named Isaac, Taylor, and Zac, or variations on those names*drew Hanson symbol on everything*use Hanson lyrics when you talk to your friends*realize you have a fetish for guys with long hair*celebrate Hanson day*learned how to play the piano, guitar or drums*played the sports that Hanson liked*ate the foods that Hanson liked*insisted on visiting Tulsa on your trip through Oklahoma*

OK, so Hanson didn't do all of these things, but you get the idea. I'll write more, later.


Think you have what it takes? Good. Just fill out the form by clicking the link below. Be sure to include your name, e-mail and site URL if you have one. (Please add the banner to your site, preferably around the time you fill out the form) Also include your comments about the clique and tell which of the Hansonisms that you did. I'll be sure to get back to you soon!

Join Hansonisms!get this gear!


Now that you've joined, I need you to please add a banner to your site. Feel free to take and use as many as you'd like. Just copy and paste the HTML below the banner you would like to use. By the way, I made the HTML text small because these were taking up a lot of room on this page.

Yay! I'd just like to take the time to thank Megan for making me all of these lovely banners! They all look very nice, don't you think?


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban1.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban1.jpg">


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban2.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban2.jpg">


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban5.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban5.jpg">


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban6.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban6.jpg">


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban7.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban7.jpg">


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban8.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban8.jpg">


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban3.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban3.jpg">


<a href="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/hanson_island/id22.html"><img alt="hansonismban4.jpg" src="https://mandygurl14.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hansonismban4.jpg">


This is where the members names will go. I'm getting some people who want to join now. The names will have links to people's sites. (I know this side looks pretty blank now, but hopefully it will fill out!)

1.) Mandy (Me!)

2.) Jessica

3.) Megan

4.) Elizabeth

5.) Tessa

6.) Kaleia