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Here's where you can find the latest news that I have access to. If you find that I have misinformed people,please let me know

"Save Me" Video!
Posted: December 17th

Now, this is the 3rd time I've had s story on the "Save Me" video on my site. This time, you can find it at Launch.com. I watched it yesterday, but it was kinda fuzzy to me. It was too small, so I made it full screen, then it was too big, and became blurry. However, what I saw of it looked pretty good. Below are some captures from the video, thanks to Hanson Hotel.


These Pictures Courtesy Of:


Hanson Hotel


Go To Launch.com


Here's some gossip! Remember, none of it is confirmed. I do not have any connections with the boys themselves. I'm just a big fan!

I heard recently that Taylor and Zac have girlfriends. I know, SNORE. You've heard it all before, and I have too. Here's my knowledge: Taylor was seen kissing his girlfriend, 'Natalie', and Zac hugged his girlfriend, Carrie backstage before a concert. Do you believe it? As for myself... I'm not so sure.

Aside from this, there's still talk of there being a "Live From The Fillmore" CD. And also, word of a new studio album in the works. Can you believe it? I actually read a quote from Isaac, saying that the CD would probably be out sooner, not later. We can only hope...

I don't have any new gossip, but if you do, please tell me!

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!