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And the honors go to...


Site Of The Week

The Hot.Spot

For this week, I have chosen the site, "The Hot.Spot". If you've been to my awards recently, you'd se that I'd won an award from this site. So I guess you could say I'm returning the favor, But more than that, I think it's a really good site. It's divided into many sections, and from what I could tell, they're pretty extensive. I spent a long time here looking around. It's "HOT"!

Past Sites Of The Week:

All The Minutes

Simply MOE

Irish Cate's Hanson Realm

Hanson Universe

First Listen

Want your site to be my 'Site Of The Week'? Click on the link below to fill out the form, or e-mail me, and I'll check out your site for consideration. Be sure to leave your URL in the message so I know where to go!
Note: All sites that become a 'Site Of The Week' will be added to my links.

Site Of The Weekget this gear!

E-mail me!

Song Of The Moment

"This Time Around" is my song of the moment now. This is actually one of my favorite songs off of the album, and I just love it. I feel that it has a very strong, powerful, message. And as we come close to the new year, it seems even more important. This song, as you probably know, is about fighting for what you believe in. and to be willing to die for it if you have to. With 2000 nearly behind us, it's a good thing to remember, and think about all the people who do things like that. "And we won't go down..."

More stuff to come later...