Hanson Island


Where Am I?
News and Gossip
Show Reviews
Pictures I
Pictures II
Pictures III
Related Links
Link Me
Of The...
About Me!
Contact Me
Where Am I?

The Hanson Island Map


Welcome To Hanson Island! This is a section where you can figure out what all of the other sections are for. If you get lost, just come here to figure out what they're all for!


Go here to find out what I've been up to. Since I've updated every day so far, this is where you would go to find out what has been added for that day.

News and Gossip

This is where you can find all of the news and gossip that I know of. I don't update this section very often, because by the time I get around to posting something, it's not really news anymore. But the gossip is always cool to look at.

Show Reviews

Here's wher you'll find the reviews for the Hanson concerts that I have been to. There are also sveral pictures from those concerts to accompany them.


This is the 2nd largest section on my site. This is where toy will find the information on the Hanson albums, along with comments on my favorite songs from them.


If I ever get any sound clips that have been OK'd to use on my site, this is where they will be. There are currently none there at this point. If I don't get a couple soon, I plan on deleting this section all together.

Pictures I

The first page of pictures taken on the "This Time Around" Tour. All pictures from Hansonline.com.

Pictures II

The second page of pictures for my little tour scrap book from all cities.

Pictures III

More tour pictures.

Related Links

This is where all of my links can be found.

Link Me

Banners for my site. (temporarily out of order.)


Here's some cool banners I have picked up from other sites. Click on them to link to their site.

Of The...

My "Site Of The Week", along with a list of past sites can be found here. The "Song Of The Moment" and other Of The... things will be added here as time goes on.


Go here to find out information on the beginings of Hanson, Me and this site.


The awards my site has won so far.


If anyone wants to contribute, this is where you would find the stuff. This hasn't happened yet. I may delete this section if I don't get any responce soon.


Go here to see the credits for things on my site. Most of these are for pictures.

About Me!

For those of you who are wondering,here's where you'll find stuff about me.

Contact Me

This is where you can find my e-mail address and and the address for this webpage.

Still lost? Just browse!