Hanson * Island
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Welcome to Hanson Island!

Whoo-hoo! I FINALLY changed the layout! (For those of you who don't know, I'd had the same layout for nearly a year!) Well, hope you all like it. It's gonna take a while getting used to.
I still have a lot to coordinate, and such, so please, bear with me. And as always, it's goning to take some time, because of my site problems and all. (Also, if anyone would be willing to make some new banners to go with the new layout, please let me know.)
I think that's about it... you should be able to find everything ok. And... I know it's a little outdated. I'm busy deleting garbage at the moment though. So... ENJOY!

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For those of you who don't know, Hanson are:


(Clarke) Isaac Hanson
Birthdate: 11/17/80
Instruments: Guitar, sometimes piano
Hair Color: Dark Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Random Fact: Ike is the oldest of the 7 Hanson children


(Jordan) Taylor Hanson
Birthdate: 03/14/83 (same day as mine!)
Instruments: Keyboard, conga drums, tambourine, and even the drums sometimes
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Random Fact: Taylor sings a great portion of the songs


Zachary Walker Hanson
Birthdate: 10/22/85
Instruments: Drums and mini marracas
Hair Color: Blond (what else?)
Eye Color: Brown
Random Fact: Sometimes during live shows, Taylor takes the drums and Zac walks around on stage, singing.

Get Your Own Hanson Dude

The current mood of PoisonIvy@hanson.nu at www.imood.com

Moody: A Site Clique


i've been inspired...have you?

You're posters up?

where's the love?

Simply Put: Hanson Rocks!

Hanson Fan Count

Just smile.

 little things

i love my favorite band

i'm an official hansonizer

not just another boy band

i waited for you

never change

The way I am

the moe cd project


f o u r


Site last updated: 10/13/01
Site Moved: 01/07/01
Site founded: 11/23/00

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Wallpapers rock!

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